Course curriculum

    1. Debunking The Top 3 Myths of Email Marketing

    2. Subject Lines Save Bottom Lines - Email Marketing Best Practices

    3. How the 2021 Apple Update Changed Email

    1. Welcome To Your Mailerlite Dashboard - Classic and New

    2. Using a verified email+authentication+alignment - All versions

    3. Addresses, logos and more! (Classic version only)

    4. Building Templates: Classic and New

    5. Unsubscribe Settings - Classic and New

    6. Using The File Manager - Classic and New

    7. Adding Integrations - New Mailerlite ONLY

    8. Preference Updates - New Mailerlite Advanced Plan ONLY

    1. Building A Segment In Mailerlite - New Version Only

    2. Building a Segment In Mailerlite - Classic Users Only

    3. Advanced Segmenting - Both Versions

    4. Mailerlite Groups

    5. Days of the Week, Hours of the Day - Classic Version Only

    6. What should I write about? (Classic and Current Mailerlite)

    7. Open Rate Tracking (Classic and Current Mailerlite)

    1. NEW - Smart Sending

    2. NEW - Recipient Filtration

    3. NEW - Multivarient Testing

    4. Creating A Campaign

    5. Split Testing - Both Classic and New

    6. Resending Emails

    7. Quick Tip: Open Rate Increase Strategies (Classic and New Mailerlite)

    8. Subject Line Tips

    9. Subject Line Samples

    10. Sample Emails (Classic and New Mailerlite Versions)

    11. How To Increase Deliverability (Classic and New Mailerlite Versions)

    12. Surveys & Quizzes - Both versions

    13. How To Use Dynamic Blocks - (Classic and New Mailerlite Versions)

    14. Saving A Block As A Template

    1. Forms

    2. Sites/Landing Pages

    1. Introductions To Workflows (Classic and New Mailerlite Versions)

    2. How to build a workflow in Mailerlite (Classic Version)

    3. Welcome Sequence Sample PDF

    4. Welcome Sequence Planning Spreadsheet

    5. How To Build A Workflow To Track Links In Emails (Classic and New Mailerlite Versions)

    6. Build a 15 minute sequence with Mailerlite (Classic and New Mailerlite Versions)

    7. Actions and Conditions

    8. Automate Your Re-Engagement Campaigns *New November 2024*

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today